Tuesday 9 November 2010

Read Quran Online : Surah Al Ankaboot ayat 45

"The rememebrence of Allah (swt) is the greatest (deed)"
Quran (Surah 29: Verse 45)

Recite what is sent of the Book by inspiration to thee, and establish Regular Prayer: for Prayer restrains from shameful and unjust deeds; and remembrance of Allah is the greatest (thing in life) without doubt. And Allah knows the (deeds) that ye do. (45)

Recite that which hath been inspired in thee of the Scripture, and establish worship. Lo! worship preserveth from lewdness and iniquity, but verily remembrance of Allah is more important. And Allah knoweth what ye do. (45) And argue not with the People of the Scripture unless it be in (a way) that is better, save with such of them as do wrong; and say: We believe in that which hath been revealed unto us and revealed unto you; our God and your God is One, and unto Him we surrender. (46) In like manner We have revealed unto thee the Scripture, and those unto whom We gave the Scripture aforetime will believe therein; and of these (also) there are some who believe therein. And none deny Our revelations save the disbelievers. (47) And thou (O Muhammad) wast not a reader of any scripture before it, nor didst thou write it with thy right hand, for then might those have doubted, who follow falsehood. (48) But it is clear revelations in the hearts of those who have been given knowledge, and none deny Our revelations save wrong-doers. (49) And they say: Why are not portents sent down upon him from his Lord? Say: Portents are with Allah only, and I am but a plain warner. (50) Is it not enough for them that We have sent down unto thee the Scripture which is read unto them? Lo! herein verily is mercy, and a reminder for folk who believe. (51)

Recite (O Muhammad SAW) what has been revealed to you of the Book (the Qur'ân), and perform As-Salât (Iqamât¬as¬Salât). Verily, As-Salât (the prayer) prevents from Al-Fahshâ' (i.e. great sins of every kind, unlawful sexual intercourse) and Al-Munkar (i.e. disbelief, polytheism, and every kind of evil wicked deed)[] and the remembering[] (praising) of (you by) Allâh (in front of the angels) is greater indeed [than your remembering (praising) of Allâh in prayers. And Allâh knows what you do. (45) And argue not with the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), unless it be in (a way) that is better (with good words and in good manner, inviting them to Islâmic Monotheism with His Verses), except with such of them as do wrong, and say (to them): "We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to you; our Ilâh (God) and your Ilâh (God) is One (i.e. Allâh), and to Him we have submitted (as Muslims)." (46) And thus We have sent down the Book (i.e this Qur'an) to you (O Muhammad SAW), and those whom We gave the Scripture [the Taurât (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel) aforetime] believe therein as also do some of these (who are present with you now like 'Abdullâh bin Salâm)[] and none but the disbelievers reject Our Ayât [(proofs, signs, verses, lessons, etc.), and deny Our Oneness of Lordship and Our Oneness of worship and Our Oneness of Our Names and Qualities: i.e. Islâmic Monotheism] (47) Neither did you (O Muhammad SAW) read any book before it (this Qur'ân), nor did you write any book (whatsoever) with your right hand. In that case, indeed, the followers of falsehood might have doubted. (48) Nay, but they, the clear Ayât [i.e the description and the qualities of Prophet Muhammad SAW written in the Taurât (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel)] are preserved in the breasts of those who have been given knowledge (among the people of the Scriptures). And none but the Zâlimûn (polytheists and wrongdoers) deny Our Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.).[] (49) And they say: "Why are not signs sent down to him from his Lord? Say: "The signs are only with Allâh, and I am only a plain warner." (50) Is it not sufficient for them that We have sent down to you the Book (the Qur'ân) which is recited to them? Verily, herein is mercy and a reminder (or an admonition) for a people who believe.[] (51)#

Recite (O Muhammad SAW) what has been revealed to you of the Book (the Qur'ân), and perform As-Salât (Iqamât¬as¬Salât). Verily, As-Salât (the prayer) prevents from Al-Fahshâ' (i.e. great sins of every kind, unlawful sexual intercourse) and Al-Munkar (i.e. disbelief, polytheism, and every kind of evil wicked deed)[] and the remembering[] (praising) of (you by) Allâh (in front of the angels) is greater indeed [than your remembering (praising) of Allâh in prayers. And Allâh knows what you do. (45) And argue not with the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), unless it be in (a way) that is better (with good words and in good manner, inviting them to Islâmic Monotheism with His Verses), except with such of them as do wrong, and say (to them): "We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to you; our Ilâh (God) and your Ilâh (God) is One (i.e. Allâh), and to Him we have submitted (as Muslims)." (46) And thus We have sent down the Book (i.e this Qur'an) to you (O Muhammad SAW), and those whom We gave the Scripture [the Taurât (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel) aforetime] believe therein as also do some of these (who are present with you now like 'Abdullâh bin Salâm)[] and none but the disbelievers reject Our Ayât [(proofs, signs, verses, lessons, etc.), and deny Our Oneness of Lordship and Our Oneness of worship and Our Oneness of Our Names and Qualities: i.e. Islâmic Monotheism] (47) Neither did you (O Muhammad SAW) read any book before it (this Qur'ân), nor did you write any book (whatsoever) with your right hand. In that case, indeed, the followers of falsehood might have doubted. (48) Nay, but they, the clear Ayât [i.e the description and the qualities of Prophet Muhammad SAW written in the Taurât (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel)] are preserved in the breasts of those who have been given knowledge (among the people of the Scriptures). And none but the Zâlimûn (polytheists and wrongdoers) deny Our Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.).[] (49) And they say: "Why are not signs sent down to him from his Lord? Say: "The signs are only with Allâh, and I am only a plain warner." (50) Is it not sufficient for them that We have sent down to you the Book (the Qur'ân) which is recited to them? Verily, herein is mercy and a reminder (or an admonition) for a people who believe.[] (51)

Bacalah serta ikutlah (wahai Muhammad) akan apa yang diwahyukan kepadamu dari Al-Quran dan dirikanlah sembahyang (dengan tekun); sesungguhnya sembahyang itu mencegah dari perbuatan yang keji dan mungkar dan sesungguhnya mengingati Allah adalah lebih besar (faedahnya dan kesannya) dan (ingatlah) Allah mengetahui akan apa yang kamu kerjakan. (45) Dan janganlah kamu berbahas dengan Ahli Kitab melainkan dengan cara yang lebih baik, kecuali orang-orang yang berlaku zalim di antara mereka dan katakanlah (kepada mereka): Kami beriman kepada (Al-Quran) yang diturunkan kepada kami dan kepada (Taurat dan Injil) yang diturunkan kepada kamu dan Tuhan kami, juga Tuhan kamu, adalah Satu dan kepadaNyalah, kami patuh dengan berserah diri. (46) Dan (sebagaimana Kami telah menurunkan Kitab-kitab agama kepada Rasul-rasul yang telah lalu) demikianlah Kami turunkan pula kepadamu (wahai Muhammad) Kitab Al-Quran ini. Maka orang-orang yang Kami berikan Kitab (Taurat dan Injil) ada yang beriman kepada Al-Quran dan juga sebahagian dari orang-orang (Mekah) beriman kepadanya dan tiadalah yang mengingkari ayat-ayat keterangan Kami melainkan orang-orang yang berdegil dalam kekufurannya. (47) Dan engkau (wahai Muhammad) tidak pernah tahu membaca sesebuah kitab pun sebelum turunnya Al-Quran ini dan tidak pula tahu menulisnya dengan tangan kananmu; (kalaulah engkau dahulu pandai membaca dan menulis) tentulah ada alasan bagi orang-orang kafir yang menentangmu akan merasa ragu-ragu (tentang kebenaranmu). (48) (Al-Quran tetap datangnya dari Allah dengan tidak syak lagi) bahkan ia ayat-ayat keterangan yang jelas nyata, yang terpelihara di dalam dada orang-orang yang berilmu dan tiadalah yang mengingkari ayat-ayat keterangan Kami melainkan orang-orang yang zalim. (49) Dan mereka berkata: Mengapa tidak diturunkan kepada (Muhammad) mukjizat-mukjizat dari Tuhannya? Jawablah (wahai Muhammad): Sesungguhnya (urusan menurunkan) mukjizat-mukjizat itu adalah tertentu bagi Allah dan aku hanyalah seorang Rasul pemberi amaran yang jelas nyata. (50) (Patutkah mereka meminta mukjizat-mukjizat yang lain?) tidakkah cukup bagi mereka bahawa Kami telah menurunkan kepadamu Al-Quran yang dibacakan kepada mereka?

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