Saturday, 31 July 2010

pray Qiyam al-layl

Qiyam al-layl and Witr Salah

Abu Umamah al-Bahili [ra] narrated that Allah’s Messenger [saw] said: “You should pray Qiyam al-layl, because it was a habit of the sincere before you came. It is a way to come closer to your Lord, a compensation for sins and a barrier against sin [sinful behaviour].”

Friday, 30 July 2010

banyak mengingati mati dan membaca Al-Quran

Daripada Ibnu Umar r.a berkata: Rasulullah s.a.w telah bersabda, hati manusia akan berkarat seperti besi yang dikaratkan oleh air. Apakah cara untuk menjadikan hati bersinar semula. Katanya dengan banyak mengingati mati dan membaca Al-Quran.

Question ....

Assalamualaikum. how to change the language for the translation??

Answer ....

Using Google Translate i got :

Ibn Umar said: Allah's Messenger said, the human heart will rust like metal pre water. What a way to make the heart shine. He said many died, and remember to read the Quran.

The Prophet [saw] once remarked: “Surely, these hearts get rusted as iron gets rusted in water." He was asked how the heart’s rust could be rubbed off. He replied: "By frequent remembrance of death and the recitation of the Qur’an.”

He was asked how the heart's rust could be rubbed off. He replied: “By frequent remembrance of death and the recitation of the Qur'an."

interesting ebook to read :



Saya sudah terima kiriman pagi tadi dan sangat berpuas hati dengan tafsir Al-Quran tersebut dari segi kualiti, pemahaman ayat serta penyusunannya. Terima kasih dan saya sangat berpuas hati dengan servis anda.

Sesuai untuk dijadikan hadiah buat yang tersayang. Sila layari

beli Quran online

atau sesuai untuk dijadikan hadiah buat surau surau dan masjid masjid di sekitar anda

sempena kehadiran bulan Ramadhan tahun 2010 yang akan datang.


Ramadhan kian menjelma. Bulan yang mulia dan
digalakkan untuk menambah amal ibadat. Miliki TAFSIR ASBABUN NUZUL
sebagai langkah terbaik anda. Dapatkannya segera di sini --> beli Quran online


Daripada Saad bin 'Ubadah, daripada Abi Abd Rahman as-Sulami, daripada Uthman bin Affan ra, daripada Nabi SAW bersabda : "sebaik-baik kamu adalah sesiapa yang mempelajari al-Quran dan mengajarkannya"...diriwayatkan oleh Bukhary, Abu Daud, Tirmizi, Nasaie,Ahmad dan ramai lagi.



Thursday, 29 July 2010

Solat, solah, pray, prayer, one of five pillars of Islam

Solat, solah, pray, prayer, one of five pillars of Islam.
The second pillars of Islam.

The head and most important thing in Islam is Solat.
There are 5 prayers in the day and night.

A must listen, especially for those of us who are having trouble with Salah. Verily, the prayers are enjoined on the believers at stated times (al-Nisaa 103).

Why don't you pray part 1


Why don't you pray part 2


Why don't you pray part 3


Why don't you pray part 4


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