Friday, 22 October 2010

Read Quran Online : Surah Al-Muzzammil Ayat 4 and recite the Qur'an in slow, measured rhythmic tones.

Read Quran Online : Surah Al-Muzzammil Ayat 4 and recite the Qur'an in slow, measured rhythmic tones.

i like this article:

Some people think there are magic spells in Islam. It is common to hear things like, "Recite this verse before bed and good things infinitely out of proportion will happen to you."

And these same people talk about the greatness of memorizing the Quran, even though they have no understanding of what it actually means.

Memorizing the Quran is great when it is the result of deep knowledge and understanding, not when it is the result of months of memorization.

If you haven't learned Arabic well, and if you haven't read the Quran a dozen times with different Tafsirs, what use would it be to memorize the Quran, a book that you don't understand, or that you understand incorrectly?

It might have been good in the past when books were expensive. But what practical use does it have now? We have access to the Quran all the time. Why should we hurry to memorize it before we have learned it by heart?

A person who forces himself or herself to memorize the Quran will have to continuously revise it to avoid forgetting it. It becomes a tiring process of carrying a text that keeps slipping out of the mind. Why do this when we can just do the reading and learning now, and let the memorization happen by itself?

The Quran is a book to be read and learned, not memorized:
"...and recite the Qur'ân in a slow style. [73:4]
"16. Move not your tongue concerning (the Qur'ân, O Muhammad) to make haste therewith. 17. It is for Us to collect it and to give you the ability to recite it (the Qur'ân), 18. And when We have recited it to you, then follow you its recital. 19. Then it is for Us (God) to make it clear to you." [75:17-19]
The above verses beautifully describe the correct way to learn the Quran. They say read it in a slow style (take the time to reflect upon it). Do not try to force yourself to memorize it. It says when Allah has recited it (which for the Prophet was through Gabriel and for us is through the book of the Quran and other reciters), we have to follow its recitation, i.e. be attentive to it.

Some scholars would say the verses from chapter 75 only applied to the Prophet SAW. But why shouldn't we benefit from it too? Why would it be in the Quran if it wasn't for us to learn from? Do these scholars have a better method of learning the Quran than what Allah AW describes?

Memorizing the Quran is something that happens to the attentive learner. It is a beautiful phenomenon and it should reflect the person's knowledge of the Quran, not the person's ability to memorize text.

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Read Quran or Listen to Juzuk Amma is Juz 30

Read Quran or Listen to Juzuk Amma is Juz 30

Juz Amma Part 7 -

Qari Mishary Raashid al-Afasy


This is the final part to the Juz Amma series. Recited by Mishary Raashid al-Afasy. Video by Insight1111.
Surah's in this video are:
[102] Surah At-Takathur (The Piling Up)
Revealed in Makkah
[103] Surah Al-'Asr (The Time)
Revealed in Makkah
[104] Surah Al-Humazah (The Slanderer)
Revealed in Makkah
[105] Surah Al-Fil (The Elephant)
Revealed in Makkah
[106] Surah Quraish (The Tribe of Quraish)
Revealed in Makkah
[107] Surah Al-Ma'un (The Small Kindnesses)
Revealed in Makkah
[108] Surah Al-Kawthar (The River in Paradise)
Revealed in Makkah
[109] Surah Al-Kafirun (The Disbelievers)
Revealed in Makkah
[110] Surah An-Nasr (The Help)
Revealed in Medinah
[111] Surah Al-Masad (The Palm Fibre)
Revealed in Makkah
[112] Surah Al-Ikhlas (The Purity)
Revealed in Makkah
[113] Surah Al-Falaq (The Daybreak)
Revealed in Makkah
[114] Surah An-Nas (Mankind)
Revealed in Makkah

Juz Amma Part 6 -

Qari Mishary Raashid al-Afasy

Juz Amma Part 6 Recited by Mishary Raashid al-Afasy Video by Insight1111
Part 1: Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:


Juz Amma Part 5

Qari Mishary Raashid ِِAl-Afasy

[89] Surah Al-Fajr (The Break of Day or the Dawn)
Revealed in Makkah, [90] Surah Al-Balad (The City)

Revealed in Makkah, [91] Surah Ash-Shams (The Sun)
Revealed in Makkah, [92] Surah Al-Lail (The Night)
Revealed in Makkah, [93] Surah Ad-Duha (The Forenoon - After Sunrise)
Revealed in Makkah, [Recited By: Qari Mishary Raashid Al-Afasy, Video By: Insight1111] سورة الفجر ( حفص عن عاصم مرتل ) سورة البلد ( حفص عن عاصم مرتل ) سورة الشمس ( حفص عن عاصم مرتل )
سورة الليل ( حفص عن عاصم مرتل )
سورة الضحى حفص عن عاصم مرتل القارئ
مشاري راشد العفاسي

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:


Read Al Quran : hidup saya kosong, menderita jiwa dan perasaan kerana tidak pandai membaca al-Quran.

source that i read today and want to share with all

Setinggi mana kelulusan, walaupun sehingga ke peringkat PhD, namun hidup saya kosong, menderita jiwa dan perasaan kerana tidak pandai membaca al-Quran. Jangan jadi macam saya, belajarlah al-Quran ketika kita berpeluang pada usia muda. Jangan tunggu ketika usia 40 tahun baru hendak bermula

Tips dan petua hanyalah satu saranan atau pandangan berdasarkan pengalaman dan pengamatan yang boleh dikongsi bersama.

Secara akademik ia disebut sebagai Tacit Knowledge. Misalnya jika orang bertanya, “bagaimana perasaan seorang yang berkelulusan PhD, memegang Jawatan Utama Sektor Awam (JUSA), berumur 40 tahun, berkahwin, mempunyai anak tetapi tidak pandai membaca al-Quran dan buta huruf – bahasa Arab – serta tidak tahu berdoa dalam bahasa tersebut?,” maka ilmu tentang perasaan tersebut hanya ada pada mereka yang mempunyai ciri-ciri tersebut.

Jika pertanyaan tersebut diberikan jawapan dan didokumentasi melalui penulisan atau penerbitan, maka perasaan tersebut menjadi ilmu yang boleh dimanfaatkan. Ia boleh menjadi tips dan petua kepada mereka yang mungkin melalui pengalaman tersebut pada masa hadapan.

Saya memberi contoh apa yang telah saya lalui. Malah saya sering berceramah kepada siswa-siswi yang sedang belajar di universiti tentang perasaan seorang profesor yang tidak pandai membaca al-Quran dengan menyebut,

Setinggi mana kelulusan, walaupun sehingga ke peringkat PhD, namun hidup saya kosong, menderita jiwa dan perasaan kerana tidak pandai membaca al-Quran. Jangan jadi macam saya, belajarlah al-Quran ketika kita berpeluang pada usia muda. Jangan tunggu ketika usia 40 tahun baru hendak bermula.

Jika ada yang bertanya, “bagaimana perasaan dan kaedahnya hendak mempelajari al-Quran ketika usia 40 tahun,” maka saya fikir berkemampuan untuk mencerita pengalaman tersebut sambil memberi tips dan petua berpandukan pengalaman yang telah saya lalui.

Malah saya sangat teruja untuk berkongsi pengalaman bagaimana saya boleh khatam al-Quran dalam tempoh yang singkat dan berjaya pula membaca terjemahan al-Quran dalam tempoh enam hari semasa di Madinah.

Dalam konteks yang berbeza, jika orang bertanya bagaimana caranya untuk bangun jam 1.30 pagi dan berada di Masjidil Haram hampir 15 jam semasa menunaikan fardhu haji, maka saya fikir saya berkelayakan untuk memberi jawapan – dengan izin Allah – kerana telah melalui pengalaman tersebut hampir 40 hari di sana.

Tips dan petua boleh merangsang motivasi. Malah ia boleh menjadi pemula kepada idea yang lain, mungkin amalan yang jauh lebih baik dan berkesan. Mungkin juga, ia baik untuk kami tetapi tidak berkesan untuk yang lain. Jadi, berlapang dada, berfikiran terbuka dan tidak perlulah berburuk sangka.

Misalnya, ketika menyampaikan tips – bagaimana mahu bangun malam di Mina – kepada bakal jemaah haji, seorang jemaah mengemukakan soalan,

“Bagaimana mahu solat malam di Mina, khemah penuh sesak, hendak berdiri pun tidak boleh?”

“Solat dan bermunajat di luar khemah”

“Angin gunung, sejuk. Saya tidak tahan”

“Solat, bermunajat atau berzikir di dalam khemah sambil duduk”

“Khemah sempit, tidak selesa”

Saya berkata di dalam hati, ”sembahyanglah di dalam tidur” kerana itulah yang sebenarnya beliau inginkan, justifikasi untuk tidak bangun awal.

Tips dan petua hanyalah cadangan yang boleh dipertimbangkan. Saya tidak mahu berbalas kata berdasarkan cadangan tersebut. Itulah yang dikatakan tips atau petua. Namun, seorang ustaz yang berada berhampiran saya memberitahu pemuda tersebut,

”Allah akan membantu mereka yang bersungguh-sungguh inginkan sesuatu. InsyaAllah, Allah akan bantu”

Oppss… itulah tips yang lebih baik!

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Read Al Quran Online : online Quran recitation learning


Will they then not meditate on the Qur'an, or are there locks on the hearts? (24) Lo! those who turn back after the guidance hath been manifested unto them, Satan hath seduced them, and He giveth them the rein. (25)

Surah 47: Muhammad (Prophet Muhammad): Verses 20-38

Learn Quran Recitation

Do they not then earnestly seek to understand the Qur'aan , or are their hearts locked up by them?(Qur'aan Surah 47 Verse 24)

Online Quran Recitation

With the recitation of the Quran Al-Kareem, your vision of the world will improve radically and you will be a better informed and educated person. Almighty Allah will shower his unlimited blessings upon you and daily sustenance will be granted to you miraculously. The holy Quran is undoubtedly a miracle of Almighty Allah and so daily recitation of the Holy Book is an estimable deed!! And when Quranic recitation is accomplished along with knowing its meaning, it will be an added virtue for you!!

how ? where to go?

What is learning Quran online?

We started to provide online Quran recitation learning classes to teach those people who don't have Mosk near there home to learn holy Quran recitation online or for kids to learn the Quran recitation Arabic, holy Quran recitation translation at home in front of there parents or elders who can not walk often, it means that learning Quran online is for all Muslims at there door step.

CLICK HERE for 3 day's free online Quran recitation learning class trial registration and join now 201 793 8133

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hope this information will benefit for those searching for online Quran recitation learning

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