Friday 1 April 2011

membaca Quran surah al-Kahfi pada hari Jumaat

” I don’t care if Monday is blue, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday too, Saturday I don’t care about you , It’s FRIDAY, I’m in love …. Saturday wait, Sunday always comes too late, but FRIDAY never hesitate”… - -The Cure -

Abu Darda' Radiyallahu 'anhu narrates that Nabi sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam said: The one who recites the three verses of the beginning of Surah AI-Kahf will be protected from the trial of Dajjal. (Tirmidhi)

Abu Darda' Radiyallahu 'anhu narrates that Nabi sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam said: He who memorizes the first ten verses of Surah AI-Kahf will be protected from the trial of Dajjal. In another narration, it is the last ten verses of Siirah AI-Kahf (Muslim)

Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him):
"Whoever recites Surah Al-Kahf on the day of Jumuah (Friday) he will be given a light between the two jumuahs (i.e. that one and the next one)."

It is recommended to recite Surat al-Kahfcompletely the night before Friday, and it is also recommended to do so Friday itself, before Maghrib time.

Kalau Kepala bagi sesebuah negara itu ialah Raja, Presiden atau Perdana Menteri …Ramadhan bulan yang baik antara seribu bulan … Al-Fatihah adalah ayat yang paling ampuh.. Durian adalah Raja buah , Harimau adalah raja di rimba, Matahari ialah tempat yang paling panas sekali , Firdaus adalah Syurga yang paling diidamkan, Jahannam ialah neraka yang paling bangsat … * Jumaat pula merupakan penghulu bagi segala hari…

,"Barangsiapa membaca surah al-Kahf pada hari Jumaat nescaya cahaya meneranginya selama di antara 2 Jumaat."(H.R. al-Baihaqi)

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