Wednesday 2 December 2009

The Judgement Day

Description of the judgement day mentioned in Ayat 1-14 of At-Takwir (The Overthrowing):

When the sun is overthrown,
And when the stars fall,
And when the hills are moved,
And when the camels big with young are abandoned,
And when the wild beasts are herded together,
And when the seas rise,
And when souls are reunited,
And when the girl-child that was buried alive is asked
For what sin she was slain,
And when the pages are laid open,
And when the sky is torn away,
And when Hell is lighted,
And when the garden is brought nigh,
(Then) every soul will know what it hath made ready.

...more descriptions (Ayat 1-5 of Al- Infitar- Bursting Apart)

When the heaven is cleft asunder,
When the planets are dispersed,
When the seas are poured forth,
And the sepulchres are overturned.
A soul will know what it hath sent before (it) and what left behind.

A day on which no soul hath power at all for any (other) soul. The (absolute) command on that day is Allah's.(19)

Source: QuranExplorer

Surat 81 At Takwir The Overthrowing

82. Surah Al-Infitaar (The Cleaving)

click the above to listen to the surahs....

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