In my effort to learn 99 Allah's name:
I found this interesting article to share :
If Allah is Al Quddoos, What do we do?
This is a quality we should try and emulate. How? If Allah is the Pure, and His Kalaam (speech) is Pure, how should our hearts be? Dirty? Filthy? Should we be unclean in our body, in our actions, in our intentions, in our `aqidah (creed)? If Allah is Al Quddoos and everything that comes from His is Pure, the first requirement is:
- Clean `Aqeedah: We must have the right tawhid (belief in the Oneness of God) and the right eman (faith). In a hadeeth in Bukhari, Abu Hurayrah radi Allahu anhu (may God be pleased with him) narrates that someone asked the Prophet ﷺ (peace be upon him) which action is the best. And he replied: emaan billahi wa rasoolihi—to have emaan in Allah and His Messenger. The worst sin is ascribing a partner to Allah subhanahu wa ta`ala (exalted is He). In a hadeeth Qudsi in Bukhari, Allah ta`ala says: ‘The son of Adam denied Me, and he has no right to do so. And he has insulted Me, and he has no right to do so. And as for his right of denying Me, it is his saying that Allah will not resurrect me. As for his insulting Me, it is his saying that Allah has taken to Himself a son, while I am the One, the Everlasting.’
- Clean hearts: Allah looks at our hearts, intentions and actions. “Verily, Allah does not look to your faces and your wealth but He looks to your hearts and to your deeds,” (Muslim). Be clean from shirk, from nifaaq (hypocrisy), from lies, from jealousy and all such vices. Eman in Allah is clean, and He will only help the one who is clean. It can only be in a qalb (heart) that is saleem, sound and good.
- Clean in our actions: first we should have physical taharah, we should clean ourselves. Indeed Allah is Beautiful and Loves beauty (Muslim). We should do taharah of our bodies so that we are fit to do ibadah (worship), because if we are not clean we cannot pray, read Qur’an or other deeds. Then we have to perform salah (prayer) so that we clean ourselves from the past sins. Proof? The Prophet ﷺ asked the sahaba (his companions), if someone bathes in a river outside of his house five times a day, will there be any impurity left on him? (Muslim) This is the example of salah. Salah also prevents us from future sins. Allah says: إِنَّ الصَّلَاةَ تَنْهَىٰ عَنِ الْفَحْشَاءِ وَالْمُنْكَرِ —indeed the salah prevents from the indecency and evil, (Qur’an 29:45). Also we should give zakaah (alms). In giving zakaah and giving sadaqah (charity) for the sake of Allah ta`ala, Allah is Al Quddus, He deserves that which is good. When the sahaba would give sadaqah, it was the best sadaqah they could give. A’ishah radi Allahu anha would clean the sadaqah she gave and perfume it, and she would say: ‘It goes in the Hand of Allah before it goes in the hand of the one who is asking.’ Allah deserves those actions that are pure. Our actions and intentions should be good. In a hadith in Sahih Muslim we learn: Indeed Allah is Pure (at Tayyib) and He only accepts that which is pure.
We can also make du`a’ to Allah with the Name Al Quddus when you want barakah in your time and energy. Remember the second meaning of Al Quddus is Al Mubaarak. Also we can make du`a’ with this Name when you want to develop sincerity and call upon the Pure to purify your intentions.
Again, more here:
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