Saturday, 6 August 2011
Makkah Taraweeh 2011 - 6 Night
Makkah Taraweeh 2011 - 6 Night Part 2
Makkah Taraweeh 2011 - 5 Night
Makkah Taraweeh 2011 - 5 Night Part 2
Thursday, 4 August 2011
Prophet Mohamed (S.A.W.) told Rabia to ask him for something - anything he wanted.
STORY - Young Sahaba named Rabia )بينة ( who assigned himself the job of serving the Prophet water. Keep in mind that he was 16 while the Prophet Mohamed (S.A.W.) was almost 61. Rabia stood by the Prophet’s door constantly to offer him water for wudu. Rabia would hear Prophet Mohamed saying “Subhana Rabbia Allah” in sujood at night. Prophet Mohamed (S.A.W.) came out of his room one day and he saw Rabia was standing with water for him. Prophet Mohamed (S.A.W.) told Rabia to ask him for something - anything he wanted. Rabia didn’t answer right away but asked the prophet for some time to think. When he thought it over, Rabia said that just as he is with the Prophet now, he wants to be with the Prophet in Jannah – he realized the meaning of Jannah. Prophet Mohamed (S.A.W.) said if Rabia wanted to be with him in Jannah, he should do lots of sujood, i.e. do lots of extra prayers
Makkah Taraweeh 2011 - 4 Night
Makkah Taraweeh 2011 - 4 Night Part 2
Wednesday, 3 August 2011
Ramadan Changed me Series
Ramadan Changed me Series - Fourth episode *Self development * -
Ramadan Changed me Series - Third episode *Self evaluation*
Ramadan Changed me Series - Second episode *Intention & action* -
Ramadan Changed me Series - First episode *Change yourself*
Tuesday, 2 August 2011
persoalan saudara tentang sahur di bulan Ramadhan
Soalan: Dr Asri yang dihormati, saya ingin mengucapkan selamat menyambut Ramadan. Sayatinggal serumah dengan beberapa orang kawan. Ada kalangan kami yangberpuasa tetapi selalu tidak bangun sahur. Katanya 'dia tahan' walaupuntak bersahur. Ada yang sahur terlalu awal, seawal jam 2 pagi. Ada yangsahur 'siap-siap' sebelum tidur kerana malas hendak bangun. Ada yangjika bangun hampir waktu subuh, dia kata dah tamat waktu sahur,sekalipun belum azan lagi, dia tetap tak mahu sahur. Saya cuba berikannasihat kepada kawan-kawan sekadar yang saya faham. Bolehkah Dr Asrinasihatkan kami apa yang terbaik?
Mizan, KL.
Jawapan Dr MAZA: Selamat menyambut Ramadan semoga kita semua dirahmati Allah. Alhamdulillah, saudara dansahabat-sahabat saudara berpuasa. Ini menandakan tanggungjawab sebagaimuslim masih lagi kuat dalam jiwa saudara-saudara sekelian. Puasaadalah ibadah yang melambangkan keikhlasan. Jika seseorang itubenar-benar berpuasa, tanda adanya keikhlasan yang besar dalampenghayatan Islamnya. Saudara pula merupakan sahabat yang baik, yangmempunyai kesedaran bagi diri sendiri dan juga rakan-rakan untukmengamalkan amalan yang menepati sunnah Nabi s.a.w Semoga Allahmembanyakkan pemuda seperti saudara dan diberikan pahala yang besar.Adapun persoalan saudara tentang sahur itu, maka saya jawab berdasarkanbeberapa perkara berikut;
1. Sahur itu adalah sunnah. Sekalipun iatidak diwajibkan, namun amat-amat digalakkan. Bahkan ia dijadikanpembeza antara sahur muslim dan sahur Yahudi. Sabda Nabi s.a.w:
"Pembeza antara puasa kita dan puasa Ahli Kitab adalah makan sahur". (Riwayat Muslim).
Maka, kita berpuasa kerana ingin mengabdikan diri kepada Allah dankita berlumba-lumba melakukan perkara yang disukai Allah pada bulanRamadan ini, maka ikutilah sunnah Nabi s.a.w termasuk dalam bersahur.Besarnya rahmat Allah, sehingga seseorang yang bangun bersahur agar diabertenaga esok harinya ketika berpuasa, dihitung sebagai ibadah yangdiberi ganjaran.
2. Allah jadikan keberkatan dalam bersahur. Sabda Nabi s.a.w :
"Bersahurlah, sesungguhnya pada sahur itu ada keberkatan". (Riwayat al-Bukhari dan Muslim)
Barakah adalah sesuatu yang mustahak dalam kehidupan ini. Insanmungkin memiliki berbagai perkara, tetapi jika ianya tidak diberkatiAllah, maka segala kebaikan yang diharapkan akan hilang. Mencarikeberkatan adalah suatu yang teramat penting dalam hidup ini. Dalamsahur itu ada keberkatan buat puasa yang bakal dilaksanakan dankehidupan individu yang berpuasa secara umumnya. Semoga kitamemperolehinya.
3. Bersahur itu terhasil dengan memakan apa-apa makanan yang halal, atau meminum apa-apa minuman yang halal. Sabda Nabi s.a.w:
"Sesiapa yang ingin berpuasa maka bersahurlah dengan sesuatu" (Riwayat Ahmad, disahihkan dengan syawahid).
Berdasarkan hadis, kita digalakkan bersahur dengan tamar. Nabi s.a.w bersabda:
"Sebaik-baik sahur orang mukmin ialah tamar". (Riwayat Abu Daud, Ibn Hibban dan al-Baihaqi, sanadnya sahih).
Maka dengan ini, kita bukan sahaja digalakkan berbuka puasa dengantamar, kita juga digalakkan untuk bersahur dengan tamar. Maka, ambillahsekurang-kurangnya sebiji tamar semasa bersahur semoga mendapat pahalatambahan.
4. Kita disunnahkan untuk melewatkan sahur. Perkataan sahur itusendiri merujuk kepada akhir malam atau sepertiga akhir malam. Iniseperti firman Allah:
"Pada waktu sahur mereka memohon keampunan" (Surah Ali 'Imran: 17).
Bersahur terlalu awal bukanlah sesuatu yang digalakkan sebaliknya disunnahkan melewatkannya.
Kata Zaid bin Thabit: "Kami bersahur bersama Rasulullah,kemudian terus pergi untuk bersolat (Subuh)". Anas bin Malik bertanyabeliau:
"Berapa lama antara sahur azan dan sahur tersebut?". JawabZaid: "Kadar 50 ayat (al-Quran)". (Riwayat al-Bukhari dan Muslim).
Hadis ini menunjukkan bahawa betapa lewatnya sahur Nabi s.a.w. Jika50 ayat dibaca, kadarnya lebih kurang beberapa minit. Di tempoh itulah Nabi s.a.w menghentikan sahur untuk bersiap menuju solat.
5. Waktu sahur berlanjutan sehinggalah masuknya waktu subuh. Andaianbahawa puasa itu mesti bermula sepuluh atau dua puluh minit sebelumsubuh adalah tidak tepat. Hadis Zaid di atas tadi, bukan menunjukkansahur itu wajib berhenti kadar 50 ayat sebelum azan, tetapi menunjukkanamalan Nabi s.a.w yang dilihat oleh Zaid. Buktinya, Aisyah r.a menyebut:
"Sesungguh Bilal azan pada waktu malam (azan pertamaSubuh, sebelum masuk waktu). Maka Rasulullah s.a.w pun bersabda: "Makandan minumlah sehingga Ibn Ummi Maktum azan, kerana beliau tidak akanazan melainkan setelah masuk waktu fajar (subuh)" (Riwayat al-Bukharidan Muslim).
Hadis ini menunjukkan pada zaman Nabi s.a.w ada dua kali azan bagiwaktu subuh. Ini seperti yang diamalkan di kebanyakan dunia Islamterutamanya Mekah dan Madinah. Azan pertama sebelum masuk waktu, iadilaungkan oleh Bilah bin Rabah. Azan kedua, oleh sahabat Nabi s.a.wyang merupakan seorang buta, beliau Abdullah ibn Ummi Maktum. Maka Nabis.a.w mengizinkan seseorang yang hendak berpuasa itu makan sehinggaazan kedua, iaitu masuk waktu subuh yang sebenar, maka barulah berhenti.
6. Al-Quran sendiri menjelaskan tentang hal ini dengan menyatakan (maksudnya):
"Makan dan minumlah kamu sehingga ternyata benang putihdari benang hitam dari waktu fajar, kemudian sempurnakanlah puasasehingga waktu malam" (Surah al-Baqarah: 187).
Maka penentu bagi waktu terakhir sahur adalah masuknya waktu subuhyang sebenar, bukan beberapa minit atau belasan minit sebelum subuh.Dalam riwayat Muslim, Nabi s.a.w bersabda:
"Jangan kamu tersilap disebabkan azan Bilal, ataupun warna putih sehinggalah kelihatan waktu fajar (sebenar)".
7. Maka berdasar al-Quran dan hadis-hadis di atas, juga pelbagairiwayat yang lain, maka waktu 'imsak' yang sebenarnya bermula apabilamasuknya waktu subuh, bukan beberapa minit atau belasan minit sebelumsubuh. Maka, apabila seseorang bangun bersahur dan didapati waktu subuhbelum masuk sekalipun hanya tinggal beberapa minit, dia tetap bolehmemakan sahurnya sehinggalah masuknya waktu subuh.
8. Bersahur di samping membantu kita untuk lebih cergas semasaberpuasa, ia juga mendidik seseorang untuk bangun pada sepertiga yangakhir malam. Ini kerana waktu tersebut adalah waktu yang mempunyaikelebihan untuk ibadah dan dimustajabkan doa serta istighfar. Dalamhadis, Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda:
"Tuhan kita Yang Maha Berkat dan Agung turun setiapmalam ke langit dunia, ketika hanya tinggal sepertiga malam yang akhir.Lalu berfirman: "Sesiapa yang berdoa kepadaKu, akan Aku perkenankanuntuknya. Sesiapa yang meminta kepadaKu, akan aku berikanNya. Sesiapayang memohon keampunan kepadaKu, akan Aku ampunkannya" (Riwayatal-Bukhari dan Muslim).
Hadis ini menunjukkan fadilat berdoa dan beristighfar pada waktusepertiga malam yang akhir. Maka dengan seseorang bangun pada waktutersebut memberikan peluang dan ruang kepadanya untuk berdoa danmemohon hajat kepada Allah pada waktu tersebut.
9. Puasa adalah proses mengabdikan diri kepada Allah S.W.T. Jikaseseorang itu berpuasa serta mengikuti sunnah-sunnah bagi seseorangyang berpuasa, maka mudah-mudahan mencapai hakikat taqwa. Ia akanmendidik diri dengan berbagai kebaikan yang lain, termasuklahqiyamullail atau 'bangun malam beribadah'. Sahur, salah satu programpenting yang jika dihayati dengan baik, membentuk jika menjadi insanyang menghampirkan diri kepada Allah.
Makkah Taraweeh 2011 - 3 Night
Makkah Taraweeh 2011 - 3 Night Part 2
Makkah Taraweeh 2011 - 2 Night
Makkah Taraweeh 2011 - 2 Night Part 2
The Medical Benefits of Taraweeh Prayers By Dr. Ibrahim B. Syed, Ph.D
Muslims perform five daily contact prayers ( Salat ) and voluntary prayers ( Sunnah , Nafl ) throughout the year and Taraweeh prayers during the month of Ramadan. This results in moderate physical exercise particularly to every muscle in the body.
By Dr. Ibrahim B. Syed, Ph.D
Muslims derive therapeutic and spiritual benefits starting from the Wudu to the physical movements in the Salat - Takbir, Qiyam, Ruku, Sajda, Jalsa, and Tasleems . Muslims perform five daily contact prayers ( Salat ) and voluntary prayers ( Sunnah , Nafl ) throughout the year and Taraweeh prayers during the month of Ramadan. This results in moderate physical exercise particularly to every muscle in the body. Some muscles contract isometrically (same length) and some contract in approximation or isotonically (same tension). The energy needed for the muscle during exercise is met by a process known as glycogenolysis. The rate of muscle metabolism increases during the performance of Salat , resulting in a relative deficiency of oxygen and muscle nutrients. In turn this deficiency causes vasodilation - an increase in the calibre of blood vessels - thereby allowing blood to flow easily back to the heart. The temporarily increased load on the heart acts to strengthen the heart muscle and to improve the circulation within the heart muscle.
During the month of Ramadan, additional prayers are performed after salatul Ishaa, called Taraweeh prayers which vary from 8 rakat (unit of prayer) to 20 rakat with a few minutes break after every 4 rakat for chanting and extolling the Majesty of Allah. After Iftar (breaking of fast) the blood glucose level continues to rise from the food ingested. Just before the Iftar meals, the blood glucose and insulin levels are at their lowest level. After an hour or so after the Iftar meal, the blood glucose begins to rise and also plasma insulin. Liver and the muscles take up the circulating glucose. The blood sugar reaches high levels in an hour or two and the benefits of Taraweeh prayers come into effect. The circulating glucose is metabolised into carbon dioxide and water during the Taraweeh prayers.
Hence the Taraweeh prayers help in expending the extra calories and improve flexibility, coordination, reduce stress-related autonomic responses in healthy persons, and relieve anxiety and depression.
Physical and Emotional Well-Being
The gentle exercises performed in Taraweeh prayers improve physical fitness, emotional well-being and increase the longevity of the Namazi (one who performs the Salat or Namaz ). When a little extra effort is made, as in performing the Taraweeh prayers, there will be a betterment in the endurance, stamina, in flexibility and strength. It was noted that the five daily prayers ( Salat ) produce the same physiological changes without any undesirable side effects as those produced by jogging or walking at about three miles per hour. Recent research studies performed on 17,000 Harvard alumni who entered college between 1916-1950 give strong evidence that only moderate aerobic exercise, equivalent to jogging about 3 miles a day, promotes good health and may actually add years to life. Men who expended about 2000 kcal of energy on a weekly basis (equal to a daily 30-minute walk, run, cycle, swim, etc.,) had one-quarter to one-third lower death rates than classmates who did little or no exercise. In addition to the health-boosting qualities of the Salat , the Namazi will be trained to be ever ready for any unexpected physical exertion such as sudden lifting of children, chairs, or catching a public transportation vehicle. The elderly will accomplish this more securely and efficiently. Hence this is an advantage for the elderly to maintain their physical fitness for a longer period of time. It has been observed that those who fast and perform the Taraweeh prayers report feeling much convalescing and robust.
The Elderly
As human beings grow older, their physiological activity diminishes, as a result their bones become thinner and if not taken care of will suffer from osteoporosis (which causes the fractures of the bones when they fall in the elderly due to a loss of bone mineral content and consequent sponginess of the bones. The bone then becomes structurally unstable, brittle and susceptible to fractures). Primary osteoporosis is most common among postmenopausal (due to reduction in oestrogen) women or those who have undergone a bilateral oophorectomy (both the ovaries removed). Women are six times more likely than men to develop Type I osteoporosis. The three major prevention strategies of osteoporosis are a high dietary intake of calcium and vitamin D, regular exercise and oestrogen replacement in postmenopausal women. The skin also becomes fragile and crinkled. The repair processes of the body become slower and immune responses are decreased. In the elderly their physical activity is reduced as a result they have lower levels of Insulin Growth Factor 1. Reserve functions of all vital organs decrease and the elderly are more susceptible to mishaps and ailments. Because of repeated and regular movements of the body during Salat the muscle strength, tendon power, joint flexibility and the cardiovascular reserve are improved. Hence Salat and Taraweeh prayers enable the elderly to enrich the quality of life and to meet with unforeseen difficulties such as falls which could injure their bodies. Therefore Taraweeh prayers will improve their endurance, self-respect and self-confidence in being self-reliant.
Adrenaline is secreted even by minor activity. The secretion outlasts the incitement. Even after the Taraweeh prayers are over the effects of adrenaline and noradrenaline are manifest. (Adrenaline also called epinephrine is produced by the adrenal glands. The middle part of these glands, the adrenal medulla, secretes the hormone, which is chemically almost identical to the transmitter substance noradrenaline produced at the ends of sympathetic nerves. Adrenaline secretion into the bloodstream in stress causes acceleration of the heart, constriction of arterioles, and dilation of the pupils. In addition, adrenaline produces a marked increase in metabolic rate thus preparing the body for emergency.) Even the thought or the intention of performing the Taraweeh prayers is sufficient to activate the sympathetic nervous system. Sympathetic nervous system (thoraco-lumbar nervous system) is one of the two division of the autonomic nervous system, which supplies motor nerves to the smooth muscles of internal organs and to the heart muscle. Sympathetic nerve fibres arise via spinal nerves in the thoracic and lumbar regions. Their endings release mainly adrenaline, which increases heart rate and breathing rate, raises blood pressure, and slows digestive processes, thereby preparing the body for "fight or flight" and antagonising the effects of the sympathetic nervous system. The adrenaline would redistribute the blood in the body to the active muscles, would mobilise liver glycogen if necessary in order to provide glucose for the active tissues, would diminish fatigue in skeletal muscles and would facilitate alveolar ventilation relaxing bronchiolar muscle, and would initiate cardiovascular changes. Exercise induces a more effective functioning of beta-adrenoreceptors located on cell membranes.
Beneficial effects of Gentle Exercise
The Taraweeh prayer is considered to be gentle exercise. The beneficial effects of gentle exercise on the body are many which are elaborated here.
Effects on Skeletal Muscle
Once muscles atrophy inspite of the availability of ample proteins. During the Salat and Taraweeh, every muscle in the body contracts isotnically and others isometrically. This gentle exercise also enhances endurance and diminishes tiredness. It helps the incapacitated to make the most of their remnant capabilities. The blood flow in strung muscle is low. During the prayers the blood flow is greatly increased to the muscles. Blood flow sometimes increases even before the start of Taraweeh prayers, with just the thought of performing the Taraweeh prayers. In addition to needing fats, proteins, and carbohydrates, the human body requires minerals such as Potassium for nerve and muscle activity. It is found in fruits, meats, seafood and milk. Potassium deficiency leads to muscular and neurologic disorders. Potassium is also important in the transmission of nerve impulses and is a major positive ion in intracellular fluids. Potassium is involved in cellular enzyme activities, and it helps regulate the chemical reactions by which carbohydrates is converted to energy and amino acids are converted to protein. Also Potassium ions cause vasodilation of arterioles. During the Taraweeh prayers, systolic Blood pressure may rise (the larger number in B.P.) a little and the diastolic Blood Pressure(the lower number in B.P.) may remain unchanged or even fall. However after the Taraweeh prayers are over, the B.P. may drop to just below normal levels which is a welcome sign. Taraweeh prayers improve respiratory efficiency; circulation in the capillaries surrounding the alveoli, or air sacs, is increased, and this brings about enhanced gas exchange and deeper breathing. The increase in the maximal consumption of oxygen is what makes the Namazi feel better. Those who perform the Taraweeh prayers, apart from the prescribed Salat , are more alert and active than those who do not perform the Taraweeh prayers, even after the age of retirement. Taraweeh prayers improve physical strength and joint stability and reduce the risk of injury to the tendons and connective tissues. After age 40, the bone mineral density falls with age. Taraweeh prayers increase bone mineral density in both menopausal and in elderly women and prevents osteoporosis and maintains normalcy in bone structures. Osteoporosis results in hip fractures in women after menopause and in elderly men. The risk of osteoporosis is substantially reduced by regular Salat and Taraweeh prayers. The prayers improve lubrication of joints, movement, and maintain flexibility. Deep vein thrombosis (the most common cause of ulceration of the legs in the elderly) is prevented by performing Salat and Taraweeh prayers.
Metabolic Effects
Salat improves body weight control and expend calories without proportionate increase in appetite. A combination of moderate dietary restriction, both at the Iftar and Sahur (early morning breakfast before the start of fast) meals, accompanied by the Taraweeh prayers, should achieve weight reduction. This will also reduce both fat and body weight, but fat-free weight will remain constant or may even increase slightly. Hence during Ramadan one should not overeat at the Sahur and Iftar meals and continue to perform Salat and Taraweeh prayers in order to lose some of the excess weight.
It is well known that exercise prevents coronary heart disease (CHD), increases high density lipo-proteins (HDL or healthy Cholesterol), increases maximum oxygen uptake, slows the heart, lowers the B.P. slightly, decreases ventricular ectopic activity, enlarges the lumen of the coronary arteries and increases cardiac output. Exercise also improves carbohydrate tolerance and improves late-onset diabetes, and helps cases of chronic respiratory diseases. Beneficial changes have been recorded in the lipid profile, B.P., clotting factors, weight reduction and insulin sensitivity of muscles and other tissues in persons who exercise regularly. Growth Hormone secretion is elevated by fasting and it is further elevated by Taraweeh prayers. As Growth Hormone is necessary for collagen formation, this may be an important factor as to why the skin of those who fast regularly during Ramadan and perform the Taraweeh prayers do not get wrinkled, even when they grow old.
Mental Health
It is a known fact that exercise improves mood, thought and behaviour. Exercise improves the quality of life, induces greater sense of well-being and energy, reduces anxiety and depression, influences mood favourably and contributes to self-esteem and an aura of confidence; improves memory in the elderly especially with constant repetition of the Ayaat (verses) from the Glorious Quran and other Ayaat which exalt His Glory. This constant repetition of the Quranic Ayaat would help to screen the mind from the incoming thoughts. It has been found by a Harvard University researcher, Dr. Herbert Benson that repetition of a prayer, Ayaat of the Quran or remembrance ( Dhikr ) of Allah or muscular activity coupled with passive disregard of intensive thoughts causes a "relaxation response" that leads to the lowering of Blood Pressure and decreases in oxygen consumption and a reduction in heart and respiratory rates. All these are combined in the Taraweeh prayer which is an ideal condition for "relaxation response." It combines repeated muscular activity with repetition of Salat , chanting of words of glorification of Allah and of supplications. The Taraweeh prayer puts the mind in a relaxed state. This calm state of the mind may be partly due to the release of encephalins, beta-endorphins (endogenous morphines) and others into the blood circulation. Endorphins are any one of the neuropeptides composed of many amino acids, elaborated by the pituitary gland and acting on the central and peripheral nervous systems to reduce pain. Endorphins are categorised as alpha-endorphin, beta-endorphin, and gamma-endorphin which produce pharmacologic effects similar to morphine. Beta-endorphin found in the brain and GI(gastro-intestinal) tract is the most potent of the endorphins and is a powerful analgesic(pain killer) in humans and animals. For example during childbirth many women release endorphins reducing a woman's sensation of pain. The release of endorphins is associated with an euphoria. During childbirth, women who give birth with little or no medication sometimes label this euphoria a "birth climax."
Islam is the only religion where physical movements of Salat and Taraweeh prayers are combined with spiritual exercise. When Salat and Taraweeh prayers are practised throughout a person's life, recurring every few hours or so, trains a person to undertake the difficult task of meditation during physical manoeuvres of Salat and Taraweeh prayers, so that the Namazi(one who performs the Salat ) benefits both from spiritual as well as physical exercise. Salat and Taraweeh prayers are unique in that tension builds up in the muscles during physical manoeuvres on the one hand, while tension is relieved in the mind due to the spiritual ingredient, on the other hand. The following benefits have been noted among those who perform the Taraweeh prayers: burning off calories and losing weight, maintaining muscle tone and body composition, joint flexibility (stiff joints are often the result of disuse, not arthritis), increasing metabolic rate, improving circulation, improving heart and lung function and aerobic capacity, decreasing heart disease risk profile, increasing your sense of self-control, reducing your level of stress, increasing your ability to concentrate, improving your appearance, reducing depression and resistance to depression, helping you sleep better and suppressing your appetite. Evidence is also accumulating that those who perform regular Salat along with voluntary prayers can conserve and actually retard the loss of bone mass in the elderly, thus staving off the ravages of osteoporosis that afflicts both men and women. It is also possible to retard the aging process and confer some protection to health in later life. Those who have performed Salat ( Fard and Wajib ), Sunnah and Nafl and Taraweeh prayers throughout life get protection and a positive effect in terms of health and longevity. They reverse the life-shortening effects of cigarette smoking and excess body weight. Even people with high blood pressure (a primary heart disease risk) reduced their death rate by one-half and their risk of dying from any of the major diseases is reduced. They also counter genetic tendencies toward an early death.
Hence Salat ( Fard , Wajib ), Sunnah , Nafl and Taraweeh prayers are necessary for Muslims to preserve life and their desirable qualities into old age. reference
The Medical Benefits of Taraweeh Prayers
Muslims perform five daily contact prayers ( Salat ) and voluntary prayers ( Sunnah , Nafl ) throughout the year and Taraweeh prayers during the month of Ramadan. This results in moderate physical exercise particularly to every muscle in the body.
By Dr. Ibrahim B. Syed, Ph.D
Muslims derive therapeutic and spiritual benefits starting from the Wudu to the physical movements in the Salat - Takbir, Qiyam, Ruku, Sajda, Jalsa, and Tasleems . Muslims perform five daily contact prayers ( Salat ) and voluntary prayers ( Sunnah , Nafl ) throughout the year and Taraweeh prayers during the month of Ramadan. This results in moderate physical exercise particularly to every muscle in the body. Some muscles contract isometrically (same length) and some contract in approximation or isotonically (same tension). The energy needed for the muscle during exercise is met by a process known as glycogenolysis. The rate of muscle metabolism increases during the performance of Salat , resulting in a relative deficiency of oxygen and muscle nutrients. In turn this deficiency causes vasodilation - an increase in the calibre of blood vessels - thereby allowing blood to flow easily back to the heart. The temporarily increased load on the heart acts to strengthen the heart muscle and to improve the circulation within the heart muscle.
During the month of Ramadan, additional prayers are performed after salatul Ishaa, called Taraweeh prayers which vary from 8 rakat (unit of prayer) to 20 rakat with a few minutes break after every 4 rakat for chanting and extolling the Majesty of Allah. After Iftar (breaking of fast) the blood glucose level continues to rise from the food ingested. Just before the Iftar meals, the blood glucose and insulin levels are at their lowest level. After an hour or so after the Iftar meal, the blood glucose begins to rise and also plasma insulin. Liver and the muscles take up the circulating glucose. The blood sugar reaches high levels in an hour or two and the benefits of Taraweeh prayers come into effect. The circulating glucose is metabolised into carbon dioxide and water during the Taraweeh prayers.
Hence the Taraweeh prayers help in expending the extra calories and improve flexibility, coordination, reduce stress-related autonomic responses in healthy persons, and relieve anxiety and depression.
Physical and Emotional Well-Being
The gentle exercises performed in Taraweeh prayers improve physical fitness, emotional well-being and increase the longevity of the Namazi (one who performs the Salat or Namaz ). When a little extra effort is made, as in performing the Taraweeh prayers, there will be a betterment in the endurance, stamina, in flexibility and strength. It was noted that the five daily prayers ( Salat ) produce the same physiological changes without any undesirable side effects as those produced by jogging or walking at about three miles per hour. Recent research studies performed on 17,000 Harvard alumni who entered college between 1916-1950 give strong evidence that only moderate aerobic exercise, equivalent to jogging about 3 miles a day, promotes good health and may actually add years to life. Men who expended about 2000 kcal of energy on a weekly basis (equal to a daily 30-minute walk, run, cycle, swim, etc.,) had one-quarter to one-third lower death rates than classmates who did little or no exercise. In addition to the health-boosting qualities of the Salat , the Namazi will be trained to be ever ready for any unexpected physical exertion such as sudden lifting of children, chairs, or catching a public transportation vehicle. The elderly will accomplish this more securely and efficiently. Hence this is an advantage for the elderly to maintain their physical fitness for a longer period of time. It has been observed that those who fast and perform the Taraweeh prayers report feeling much convalescing and robust.
The Elderly
As human beings grow older, their physiological activity diminishes, as a result their bones become thinner and if not taken care of will suffer from osteoporosis (which causes the fractures of the bones when they fall in the elderly due to a loss of bone mineral content and consequent sponginess of the bones. The bone then becomes structurally unstable, brittle and susceptible to fractures). Primary osteoporosis is most common among postmenopausal (due to reduction in oestrogen) women or those who have undergone a bilateral oophorectomy (both the ovaries removed). Women are six times more likely than men to develop Type I osteoporosis. The three major prevention strategies of osteoporosis are a high dietary intake of calcium and vitamin D, regular exercise and oestrogen replacement in postmenopausal women. The skin also becomes fragile and crinkled. The repair processes of the body become slower and immune responses are decreased. In the elderly their physical activity is reduced as a result they have lower levels of Insulin Growth Factor 1. Reserve functions of all vital organs decrease and the elderly are more susceptible to mishaps and ailments. Because of repeated and regular movements of the body during Salat the muscle strength, tendon power, joint flexibility and the cardiovascular reserve are improved. Hence Salat and Taraweeh prayers enable the elderly to enrich the quality of life and to meet with unforeseen difficulties such as falls which could injure their bodies. Therefore Taraweeh prayers will improve their endurance, self-respect and self-confidence in being self-reliant.
Adrenaline is secreted even by minor activity. The secretion outlasts the incitement. Even after the Taraweeh prayers are over the effects of adrenaline and noradrenaline are manifest. (Adrenaline also called epinephrine is produced by the adrenal glands. The middle part of these glands, the adrenal medulla, secretes the hormone, which is chemically almost identical to the transmitter substance noradrenaline produced at the ends of sympathetic nerves. Adrenaline secretion into the bloodstream in stress causes acceleration of the heart, constriction of arterioles, and dilation of the pupils. In addition, adrenaline produces a marked increase in metabolic rate thus preparing the body for emergency.) Even the thought or the intention of performing the Taraweeh prayers is sufficient to activate the sympathetic nervous system. Sympathetic nervous system (thoraco-lumbar nervous system) is one of the two division of the autonomic nervous system, which supplies motor nerves to the smooth muscles of internal organs and to the heart muscle. Sympathetic nerve fibres arise via spinal nerves in the thoracic and lumbar regions. Their endings release mainly adrenaline, which increases heart rate and breathing rate, raises blood pressure, and slows digestive processes, thereby preparing the body for "fight or flight" and antagonising the effects of the sympathetic nervous system. The adrenaline would redistribute the blood in the body to the active muscles, would mobilise liver glycogen if necessary in order to provide glucose for the active tissues, would diminish fatigue in skeletal muscles and would facilitate alveolar ventilation relaxing bronchiolar muscle, and would initiate cardiovascular changes. Exercise induces a more effective functioning of beta-adrenoreceptors located on cell membranes.
Beneficial effects of Gentle Exercise
The Taraweeh prayer is considered to be gentle exercise. The beneficial effects of gentle exercise on the body are many which are elaborated here.
Effects on Skeletal Muscle
Once muscles atrophy inspite of the availability of ample proteins. During the Salat and Taraweeh, every muscle in the body contracts isotnically and others isometrically. This gentle exercise also enhances endurance and diminishes tiredness. It helps the incapacitated to make the most of their remnant capabilities. The blood flow in strung muscle is low. During the prayers the blood flow is greatly increased to the muscles. Blood flow sometimes increases even before the start of Taraweeh prayers, with just the thought of performing the Taraweeh prayers. In addition to needing fats, proteins, and carbohydrates, the human body requires minerals such as Potassium for nerve and muscle activity. It is found in fruits, meats, seafood and milk. Potassium deficiency leads to muscular and neurologic disorders. Potassium is also important in the transmission of nerve impulses and is a major positive ion in intracellular fluids. Potassium is involved in cellular enzyme activities, and it helps regulate the chemical reactions by which carbohydrates is converted to energy and amino acids are converted to protein. Also Potassium ions cause vasodilation of arterioles. During the Taraweeh prayers, systolic Blood pressure may rise (the larger number in B.P.) a little and the diastolic Blood Pressure(the lower number in B.P.) may remain unchanged or even fall. However after the Taraweeh prayers are over, the B.P. may drop to just below normal levels which is a welcome sign. Taraweeh prayers improve respiratory efficiency; circulation in the capillaries surrounding the alveoli, or air sacs, is increased, and this brings about enhanced gas exchange and deeper breathing. The increase in the maximal consumption of oxygen is what makes the Namazi feel better. Those who perform the Taraweeh prayers, apart from the prescribed Salat , are more alert and active than those who do not perform the Taraweeh prayers, even after the age of retirement. Taraweeh prayers improve physical strength and joint stability and reduce the risk of injury to the tendons and connective tissues. After age 40, the bone mineral density falls with age. Taraweeh prayers increase bone mineral density in both menopausal and in elderly women and prevents osteoporosis and maintains normalcy in bone structures. Osteoporosis results in hip fractures in women after menopause and in elderly men. The risk of osteoporosis is substantially reduced by regular Salat and Taraweeh prayers. The prayers improve lubrication of joints, movement, and maintain flexibility. Deep vein thrombosis (the most common cause of ulceration of the legs in the elderly) is prevented by performing Salat and Taraweeh prayers.
Metabolic Effects
Salat improves body weight control and expend calories without proportionate increase in appetite. A combination of moderate dietary restriction, both at the Iftar and Sahur (early morning breakfast before the start of fast) meals, accompanied by the Taraweeh prayers, should achieve weight reduction. This will also reduce both fat and body weight, but fat-free weight will remain constant or may even increase slightly. Hence during Ramadan one should not overeat at the Sahur and Iftar meals and continue to perform Salat and Taraweeh prayers in order to lose some of the excess weight.
It is well known that exercise prevents coronary heart disease (CHD), increases high density lipo-proteins (HDL or healthy Cholesterol), increases maximum oxygen uptake, slows the heart, lowers the B.P. slightly, decreases ventricular ectopic activity, enlarges the lumen of the coronary arteries and increases cardiac output. Exercise also improves carbohydrate tolerance and improves late-onset diabetes, and helps cases of chronic respiratory diseases. Beneficial changes have been recorded in the lipid profile, B.P., clotting factors, weight reduction and insulin sensitivity of muscles and other tissues in persons who exercise regularly. Growth Hormone secretion is elevated by fasting and it is further elevated by Taraweeh prayers. As Growth Hormone is necessary for collagen formation, this may be an important factor as to why the skin of those who fast regularly during Ramadan and perform the Taraweeh prayers do not get wrinkled, even when they grow old.
Mental Health
It is a known fact that exercise improves mood, thought and behaviour. Exercise improves the quality of life, induces greater sense of well-being and energy, reduces anxiety and depression, influences mood favourably and contributes to self-esteem and an aura of confidence; improves memory in the elderly especially with constant repetition of the Ayaat (verses) from the Glorious Quran and other Ayaat which exalt His Glory. This constant repetition of the Quranic Ayaat would help to screen the mind from the incoming thoughts. It has been found by a Harvard University researcher, Dr. Herbert Benson that repetition of a prayer, Ayaat of the Quran or remembrance ( Dhikr ) of Allah or muscular activity coupled with passive disregard of intensive thoughts causes a "relaxation response" that leads to the lowering of Blood Pressure and decreases in oxygen consumption and a reduction in heart and respiratory rates. All these are combined in the Taraweeh prayer which is an ideal condition for "relaxation response." It combines repeated muscular activity with repetition of Salat , chanting of words of glorification of Allah and of supplications. The Taraweeh prayer puts the mind in a relaxed state. This calm state of the mind may be partly due to the release of encephalins, beta-endorphins (endogenous morphines) and others into the blood circulation. Endorphins are any one of the neuropeptides composed of many amino acids, elaborated by the pituitary gland and acting on the central and peripheral nervous systems to reduce pain. Endorphins are categorised as alpha-endorphin, beta-endorphin, and gamma-endorphin which produce pharmacologic effects similar to morphine. Beta-endorphin found in the brain and GI(gastro-intestinal) tract is the most potent of the endorphins and is a powerful analgesic(pain killer) in humans and animals. For example during childbirth many women release endorphins reducing a woman's sensation of pain. The release of endorphins is associated with an euphoria. During childbirth, women who give birth with little or no medication sometimes label this euphoria a "birth climax."
Islam is the only religion where physical movements of Salat and Taraweeh prayers are combined with spiritual exercise. When Salat and Taraweeh prayers are practised throughout a person's life, recurring every few hours or so, trains a person to undertake the difficult task of meditation during physical manoeuvres of Salat and Taraweeh prayers, so that the Namazi(one who performs the Salat ) benefits both from spiritual as well as physical exercise. Salat and Taraweeh prayers are unique in that tension builds up in the muscles during physical manoeuvres on the one hand, while tension is relieved in the mind due to the spiritual ingredient, on the other hand. The following benefits have been noted among those who perform the Taraweeh prayers: burning off calories and losing weight, maintaining muscle tone and body composition, joint flexibility (stiff joints are often the result of disuse, not arthritis), increasing metabolic rate, improving circulation, improving heart and lung function and aerobic capacity, decreasing heart disease risk profile, increasing your sense of self-control, reducing your level of stress, increasing your ability to concentrate, improving your appearance, reducing depression and resistance to depression, helping you sleep better and suppressing your appetite. Evidence is also accumulating that those who perform regular Salat along with voluntary prayers can conserve and actually retard the loss of bone mass in the elderly, thus staving off the ravages of osteoporosis that afflicts both men and women. It is also possible to retard the aging process and confer some protection to health in later life. Those who have performed Salat ( Fard and Wajib ), Sunnah and Nafl and Taraweeh prayers throughout life get protection and a positive effect in terms of health and longevity. They reverse the life-shortening effects of cigarette smoking and excess body weight. Even people with high blood pressure (a primary heart disease risk) reduced their death rate by one-half and their risk of dying from any of the major diseases is reduced. They also counter genetic tendencies toward an early death.
Hence Salat ( Fard , Wajib ), Sunnah , Nafl and Taraweeh prayers are necessary for Muslims to preserve life and their desirable qualities into old age. reference
'The fast is for Me, and I will reward it' - So the reward is the Vision of the Divine Beauty.
When Ramadhan Begins the gates of paradise are Opened
Collected by Muhammad Sajad ali Abu Izzah
See that Kalimullah Musa was given a conversation with Allah on Mount Sinai; You have your own Mount Sinai, at the time of breaking fast when you can hold a thousand and one conversations with Allah. Musa said 'O my Lord, you speak to me, will you not show me your beauty'. Allah said you shall not see me. How can you see when there are 70,000 veils between Us. But a gift for the last Ummah which I have called Ramadhan, I shall so manifest myself at the time of breaking fast for the Last Ummah. Whereas between you and Me there are 70,000 veils. There will be no veils at all between Us and the Last Ummah, at the time of breaking fast.
'The fast is for Me, and I will reward it' - So the reward is the Vision of the Divine Beauty.
Every hour of the month of Ramadhan 600,000 people are delivered from Divine Punishment, it goes like this until the Night of Qadr, then on that night the Rate of deliverance then becomes equal to the total of those spared in the hours between the beginning of Ramadhan and the night of Qadr; it then continues like this until the day of Eid.
Heavens, earth and angels weep last day of month of Ramadhan On the last day of Ramadhan the heavens, earth and angels weep for the misfortune of end of Ramadhan, When asked What misfortune! It was said the misfortune of Ramadhan being over.
Why weep In the month of Ramadhan, prayers are accepted, charity is received, good deeds are rewarded 100's folded, punishment is waived, and sin are pardoned. But it should be us weeping that such a blessed month has passed, will we never see another next year?
1000 years of Punishment for the Nafs, But it still was arrogant - Fasting the Cure
When Allah created the Nafs he asked who it was, the reply was with arrogance, the same as you. So Allah burned it 1000 years, asked it again the same reply the same as you, so He froze it for a 1000 years, the same reply. Allah Punished the Ego with so many different types of punishments, each time for a 1000 years. Finally he starved the Ego for a1000 years and then asked who are you, the Ego replied humbly your mere servant and you are the Lord of the Worlds. So Fasting has a major impact for the Ego, it humble its and gives the Spirit more freedom. Most of us live our lives following of Egos, but when we fast it allows us to be more obedient slaves of Allah.
Inviting Allah to Dinner
Remember the story when Bani-Israel inviting Allah, for Meal. But Allah was turned away By Musa. So Musa and his people waited patiently but only a poor old man came asking for water, but Musa turned him away saying, don't you know who is coming, go there and do some work, he replied but I'm hungry. His people embraced him saying you lied, Allah didn't come. Later he asked his Lord, You said you would come to dinner. Allah said I did come, I came in the heart of that old man who you turned away.
Nothing can contain Allah, no cosmos, universes or all the worlds. But the heart of the Mu-min, can only contain Allah. So how about Ramadhan, and feeding the poor and hungry, your brothers in Islam. You may just turn away Allah, like Musa did. It's a Month of being Generous so feed who ever you can, even if it be with one Date. For you will receive the reward of two fasts, yours and theirs by feeding them, increase the number of people to feed and receive more rewards and palaces in heaven.
Know the Master (Sayyid) of the Months is Ramadhan, and the Master (Sayyid) of the days is Friday. Why is Friday a Sayyid-Master of Days, Well there are 5 reasons and one of the secrets is, a holy hour on Friday were no Dua is surly refused, it is the hour when Sayyiduna Adam was created, and it's the last hour of sun light on Friday. So do much Dua's on this day in Ramadhan and in all the days of the month of Ramadhan. And don't forget, The 10 T's of Ramadhan.
Mainly Taken From Shaykh Muzaffer Ozak's Book -Irshad
The 10 T's of Ramadhan not to forget
1 Tilawah - read Quran
2 Tahajjud - 8 rakah's before Fajr
3 Tara-weeh - 20 rakahs
4 Tasbee-hat- Read 3rd Kamilat
5 Tadhar-ru' (ardent Dua)
6 Tataw-wu' (Nafil Ibadah
7 Tasah-hur (eating Sehri)
8 Tawa-dhu (humility)
9 Tafak-kur (contemplation)
10 Taubah (repentance)
Poem by Maulana Rumi Fasting
There's hidden sweetness in the stomach's emptiness.
We are lutes, no more, no less
If the soundbox is stuffed full of anything, no music.
If the brain and the belly are burning clean with fasting,
every moment a new song comes out of the fire.
The fog clears, and new energy makes you run up the steps in front of you.
Be emptier and cry like reed instruments cry.
Emptier, write secrets with the reed pen.
When you're full of food and drink, an ugly metal statue sits where your
spirit should.
When you fast, good habits gather like friends who want to help.
Fasting is Solomon (as) 's ring.
Don't give it to some illusion and lose your power, but even if you have,
if you've lost all will and control, they come back when you fast,
like soldiers appearing out of the ground, pennants flying above them.
A table descends to your tents, the Lord's table.
Expect to see it when you fast, this table spread with other food,
better than the broth of cabbages.
Nash'hadu an'la ilaaha il'l allah Nas'tagh'firul'lah
Nas' alukal jannata wa na udhubi-ka minan nar x 3
Allahum-ma in'na-ka afuwun tuhib'bul af'wa fa-afwan'na
Allahum-ma in'na-ka afuwun tuhib'bul af'wa fa-afwan'na
Allahum-ma in'na-ka afuwun tuhib'bul af'wa fa-afwan'na ya karimul afw'wa
Ya taw'waab tub aleiy-na war'ham'na wan'dhur' i-ley-na
Ya taw'waab tub aleiy-na war'ham-na wa walidina
Ya taw'waab tub aleiy-na wagh'fir'la-na bima janei-y-na
Ya taw'waab
IFTAR or IFTAREE (Breaking of Fast during the Islamic month of Ramadan)
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basic laws of memory to memorize the Quran when you read quran
There are some basic laws of memory that we need to first recognize, they are as follows –
Law of Frequency:
We tend to remember things we experience the most often, rather than those we experience only once in a while. You are much more likely to remember your name or your phone number than the square root of 3.
Law of Recency:
We are more likely to remember things that happened recently than those that happened a long time ago. You can probably remember what you had for dinner yesterday, but not what you ate for dinner two weeks ago today.
Law of Vividness:
We tend to remember the most spectacular or striking impressions rather than those that are more ordinary. You can probably remember what you did on your last birthday, or perhaps the Space Shuttle Challenger explosion, but not what happened on the previous day of those occasions.
Now that we have come face to face with our memory, Insha’Allah it will be easier to bend the rules to achieve the final goal – Hifz-ul-Qur’an!
1) When it comes to the Law of Frequency – the best way to keep the ayahs of the Holy Qur’an inside your memory is to repeat them constantly, especially when you first start to learn a surah. Once you get used to these phases of repetition you will find that even when you are taking a stroll outside or doing other things you will be reciting the surahs to yourself Insha’Allah. We find that the easiest method of learning a surah is -
a) Choose the Surah you would like to memorize.
b) Sit down and listen to the audio recitation 3 times.
c) Follow along with the recitation for 10-20 minutes and repeat along.
d) Repeat steps a through c everyday for seven days.
However, we also find that the best way to memorize an ayah is –
a) Choose the ayah you would like to memorize.
b) Sit down and listen to the recitation 3 times.
c) Follow along with the recitation for 10-15 minutes while repeating.
d) Repeat the ayah whenever you have spare time during the day – Insha’Allah this will ensure that the ayah gets ingrained into your memory.
2) When it comes to the Law of Recency – it is imperative to recite the ayahs (or surahs) that you have recently learned in a constant manner… as we all know, human beings forget quite easily! Allahu Alim, if we continue to recite our ayahs and surahs, Insha’Allah we will not forget.
3) When it comes to the last rule of memorization (Law of Vividness) – Alhamdulillah! This is the least of our troubles, because the Holy Qur’an is the most spectacular, striking and glorious book – what else could be more spectacular than the Word of Allah?
Some people find it difficult to follow along with the Arabic scripture in the Holy Qur’an, for our users who fall into this category, we recommend following along with the transliteration of the Holy Qur’an which can be located here Insha’Allah –
benefits of the Ramadhan month of fasting
The benefits of the Ramadhan month of fasting are too many to be counted. If one does recognize them and realize their importance, he wishes to have the month of Ramadhan to be throughout the whole year.
These blessings are given by Allah to the fasting Muslims, who are to fast with full faith and expectation.
These blessings and benefits of the month of fasting during Ramadhan have been grouped and summarized into different categories. They are summarized here without commentary. It should be remembered that all of these blessings were taken directly from Holy Quran and Hadith.
The following is a partial list for the blessings and benefits of the month of fasting during Ramadhan:
01. Taqwa:Fearing Allah (SWT)
- Practicing the Revelations of Allah (SWT)
- Accepting the little things that one has achieved
- Preparing for departure from this world to the Hereafter
- Self-discipline
- Self-control
- Self-restraint
- Self-education
- Self-evaluation
By accepting these criteria and by practicing them, the Muslim will achieve the concept of Taqwa in his private and public life.
02. Protection:- Avoiding Immorality
- Avoiding anger/outcry/uproar
- Avoiding stupidity
- Avoiding all makrooh/mashbooh/haram
By achieving these good manners, a Muslim will come out of fasting a better human being in the society.
03. Revelation of Holy Quran: The Holy Quran was revealed during the month of Ramadhan. The Holy Quran is meant to be:- A Guidance to mankind
- A Manifestation of right from wrong
- A Summation and culmination of all previous revelations
- A Glad-tiding to the believers
- A Healer
- A Mercy
05. Doors of hell are closed
06. Devils are chained down
07. Fasting with Iman (faith) and expectation: Such type of intention leads to forgiveness by Allah (SWT) to the individual's sins.
08. Door of Rayyan: There is in Paradise a door called Al-Rayyan. It is for the fasting Muslims. Only those who fasted the month of Ramadhan are the ones to enjoy the bliss of Paradise inside that area.
09. Rejoices: There are two types of rejoices for the Muslims who fast. These are:- When breaking fast
- When meeting Allah (SWT) on the day of Judgment
11. Glad-Tidings: These glad-tidings are given to the well-wishers while the ill-wishers are to be stopped during fasting.
12. Ramadhan -to- Ramadhan: Whoever fasts two consecutive months of Ramadhan with good intention will receive forgiveness for the mistakes committed throughout the year.
13. Multiplication of Rewards: Doing good = 10x, 70x, 700x or more during the month of Ramadhan.
14. Feeding Others: Whoever invites others to break the fast, and whoever takes care of the hungry, needy, during the last ten days of Ramadhan will receive equal rewards to the fasting person(s).
15. Blessing of Iftar: Dua is accepted by ALLAH (SWT) at Iftar time.
16. Blessings of Sahoor (The late night meal): This meal time gives the opportunity for:Night Prayers
- Zikr, Remembrance, Contemplation
- Recitation of Holy Quran
- Fajr Salat in Jamaat
- Dua of Fajr
18. Shafa'at (Pleading One's Case for Forgiveness): Whoever fasts Ramadhan will receive on the day of Judgement the Shafa'at of:
- Ramadhan
- Holy Quran
20. Itikaf (Retreat): A Muslim who performs Itikaf during the last ten days of Ramadhan will get:
- Blessings and rewards
- Peace of mind
- Contemplation and evaluation
- Better citizen
- Forgiveness of mistakes
- Better than 1,000 months
- Dua
- Zikr
- Prayers
- Reading Holy Quran
- Rewards
- Blessings
- Better human being
23. Zakat al-Fitrah (Charity on Eid Day): The benefits of paying such as charity to the needy are tremendous, among which are the following:
- Purity
- Feeding the needy
- Sharing happiness
- Improving human relations
- Improving society
- Purity
- Flourishing of wealth
- Improving economy
- Circulation of wealth
- Elimination of inflation
- Elimination of poverty
Purification of body from toxins
- Reducing of weight
- Purity of brain
- Rejuvenation of body
- Living of life with happiness
- Looking younger
27. Sharing: Of hunger, thirst and rituals with others in the society.
28. Eid-ul-Fitr (Feast): Sharing of happiness and visitation of one another as members of the society.
29. Graveyards Visitation: One will get the following benefits by visiting graveyards.- Dua for the deceased
- Preparing oneself for departure from this world
- Feeling respect for the deceased
- Making the person to be humble in his life
31. Umrah in Ramadhan: Visiting Makkah during the fasting month of Ramadhan is:
- Equal to one Hajj (pilgrimage)
- Equal to one Hajj with Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
- Battle of Badr
- Battle of Khandaq
- Opening of Makkah
- Battle of Tabuk
- Tariq Ibn Ziyad opened Europe
- Salahuddin liberated Jerusalem from the crusaders
- Egypt and Israel, 1973 - Egyptians kicked the Israelis out of Egypt during Ramadhan the month of fasting, etc.
- Wafaat Hazrat Khadijeh (as).
- Wiladat Imam Hassan bin Ali (as).
- Shahadat Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (as).
- Youm-al-Quds.
partial list for the blessings and benefits of the month of fasting during Ramadhan
These blessings are given by Allah to the fasting Muslims, who are to fast with full faith and expectation.
These blessings and benefits of the month of fasting during Ramadhan have been grouped and summarized into different categories. They are summarized here without commentary. It should be remembered that all of these blessings were taken directly from Holy Quran and Hadith.
The following is a partial list for the blessings and benefits of the month of fasting during Ramadhan:
01. Taqwa:
33 Blessings of Ramadhan Fasting (Benefits)Fearing Allah (SWT)
Practicing the Revelations of Allah (SWT)
Accepting the little things that one has achieved
Preparing for departure from this world to the Hereafter
By accepting these criteria and by practicing them, the Muslim will achieve the concept of Taqwa in his private and public life.
02. Protection:
Avoiding Immorality
Avoiding anger/outcry/uproar
Avoiding stupidity
Avoiding all makrooh/mashbooh/haram
By achieving these good manners, a Muslim will come out of fasting a better human being in the society.
03. Revelation of Holy Quran: The Holy Quran was revealed during the month of Ramadhan. The Holy Quran is meant to be:
A Guidance to mankind
A Manifestation of right from wrong
A Summation and culmination of all previous revelations
A Glad-tiding to the believers
A Healer
A Mercy
04. Doors of heaven are open
05. Doors of hell are closed
06. Devils are chained down
07. Fasting with Iman (faith) and expectation: Such type of intention leads to forgiveness by Allah (SWT) to the individual's sins.
08. Door of Rayyan: There is in Paradise a door called Al-Rayyan. It is for the fasting Muslims. Only those who fasted the month of Ramadhan are the ones to enjoy the bliss of Paradise inside that area.
09. Rejoices: There are two types of rejoices for the Muslims who fast. These are:
When breaking fast
When meeting Allah (SWT) on the day of Judgment
10. Mouth Smell: The smell of the mouth of the fasting Muslim will be better than the smell of musk during the day of Judgement. (Bad Breath)
11. Glad-Tidings: These glad-tidings are given to the well-wishers while the ill-wishers are to be stopped during fasting.
12. Ramadhan -to- Ramadhan: Whoever fasts two consecutive months of Ramadhan with good intention will receive forgiveness for the mistakes committed throughout the year.
13. Multiplication of Rewards: Doing good = 10x, 70x, 700x or more during the month of Ramadhan.
14. Feeding Others: Whoever invites others to break the fast, and whoever takes care of the hungry, needy, during the last ten days of Ramadhan will receive equal rewards to the fasting person(s).
15. Blessing of Iftar: Dua is accepted by ALLAH (SWT) at Iftar time.
16. Blessings of Sahoor (The late night meal): This meal time gives the opportunity for:
Blessings of Sahoor and IftarNight Prayers
Zikr, Remembrance, Contemplation
Recitation of Holy Quran
Fajr Salat in Jamaat
Dua of Fajr
17. Night Prayers: Whoever performs the Night prayers with sincerity and good intention will receive forgiveness of his past mistakes.
18. Shafa'at (Pleading One's Case for Forgiveness): Whoever fasts Ramadhan will receive on the day of Judgement the Shafa'at of:
Holy Quran
19. Ihya (Passing Nights Awake): Last ten days of Ramadhan. When a Muslim makes this type of effort, he will get rewards, forgiveness, and multiples of blessings.
20. Itikaf (Retreat): A Muslim who performs Itikaf during the last ten days of Ramadhan will get:
Blessings and rewards
Peace of mind
Contemplation and evaluation
Better citizen
21. Lailatul Qadr (The Night of Power): Whoever observes it with sincerity and good intention will get the following benefits:
Forgiveness of mistakes
Better than 1,000 months
Reading Holy Quran
Better human being
22. Generosity: Kindness, hospitality, visitation, etc. All of these and many more are among the benefits of Ramadhan.
23. Zakat al-Fitrah (Charity on Eid Day): The benefits of paying such as charity to the needy are tremendous, among which are the following:
Feeding the needy
Sharing happiness
Improving human relations
Improving society
24. Sadaqah (Charity): The benefits of paying sadaqah are many. These are summarized as follows:
Flourishing of wealth
Improving economy
Circulation of wealth
Elimination of inflation
Elimination of poverty
25. Fasting and Health: By fasting, one gets the following benefits:
Sadaqah (Charity)Purification of body from toxins
Reducing of weight
Purity of brain
Rejuvenation of body
Living of life with happiness
Looking younger
26. Change of Lifestyle: By living a different life style, one gets rid of the monotony of life and hence enjoys his life span.
27. Sharing: Of hunger, thirst and rituals with others in the society.
28. Eid-ul-Fitr (Feast): Sharing of happiness and visitation of one another as members of the society.
29. Graveyards Visitation: One will get the following benefits by visiting graveyards.
Dua for the deceased
Preparing oneself for departure from this world
Feeling respect for the deceased
Making the person to be humble in his life
30. Every breath is Tasbiih. Every breath and even sleep is Ibadah and awarded.
31. Umrah in Ramadhan: Visiting Makkah during the fasting month of Ramadhan is:
Equal to one Hajj (pilgrimage)
Equal to one Hajj with Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
32. Historical Successes and Victories in Ramadhan: Muslims throughout their history received many benefits during Ramadhan the month of fasting, among which are the following:
Battle of Badr
Battle of Khandaq
Opening of Makkah
Battle of Tabuk
Tariq Ibn Ziyad opened Europe
Salahuddin liberated Jerusalem from the crusaders
Egypt and Israel, 1973 - Egyptians kicked the Israelis out of Egypt during Ramadhan the month of fasting, etc.
33. Learning lessons from historical incidents that happened during Holy Ramadhan the month of fasting, e.g.
Wafaat Hazrat Khadijeh (as).
Wiladat Imam Hassan bin Ali (as).
Shahadat Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (as).
Monday, 1 August 2011
master the language of the Qur’an : Arabic - The Key to Understanding the Qur’an
We all feel touched when we open up a good translation of the meaning of the Qur’an and we ponder and wonder at the beauty of the words and the deep meanings within. But in reality we are just seeing a glimpse of the real treasure that the Qur’an is.
Imagine how you’d feel if you could understand the words of Allah in the form in which they were sent down and not just rely on a translation of the meaning in English. Imagine the power of the words and the directness of the message then! The potency would be awesome!
The Qur’an is the word of Allah; a direct message from Allah to us His creation and Allah chose the Arabic language as the language of this message. Indeed Allah tells us this in the Qur’an emphasising to us that to understand the message in its fuller form one must understand the language:
“Indeed we have sent it down as an Arabic Qur’an, in order that you may understand” (Surah Yusuf, Aayah 2)
“And thus we have inspired to you an Arabic Qur’an so that you may warn the mother of towns and all around it” (Surah ash-Shura, 7)
Arabic and the message of the Qur’an cannot be separated and translators throughout the ages have tried to convey to the non-Arabic speaking people the beauty of the meaning of the Qur’an but have always called it ‘The translation of the meaning of the Qur’an’, emphasising the fact that the Qur’an’s direct translation is not possible, because so much of the potency and splendour of the words and their meanings which are inextricably linked to the Arabic language are lost in English or any other language. Indeed to even appreciate the poetic beauty of the Qur’an one needs to have an understanding of Arabic.
Remember that for the Arabs in the time of the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) who were masters of eloquence and poetry, the words of the Qur’an itself were so unique compared to the poetry of the most eloquent of them that many came to Islam recognising that the Qur’an could not be the handiwork of even the best human poet, rather it could only come from Allah. The language itself was one of the miracles of the Qur’an. Allah challenges mankind:
“And if you are in doubt about what we have sent down to our servant, then produce a chapter like it and call your witnesses besides Allah if you are truthful. But if you do not do it, and you can never do it, then fear the Fire whose fuel is men and stones, prepared for the disbelievers” (Surah Baqarah, aayaat 23-24)
The Preservation of the Arabic Language
Languages usually evolve. Just look at the difference between Shakespearean English and modern day English. In many ways they seem like two totally different languages and a man from England in Shakespearean times and a man from modern day England would find it extremely difficult to communicate! But the Arabic language is not just ‘a language’. This is why the Sahabah and the early generations of Muslims strove to preserve the classical Arabic language. It was Ali (radi allaahu ‘anhu) who noticed on the tongues of some of the Arabs a slight change in dialect and ordered for the grammar rules of Arabic to be recorded in a universal form. He knew that the preservation of the Arabic language was part of the preservation of Islam itself.
Arabic unified the Muslim countries as it spread to every land that embraced Islam. This is why it is seen that those Muslim societies that are ignorant of Arabic are in general less knowledgeable about Islam. This ignorance has in turn made them more prone to stray from the straight path.
The enemies of Islam know this and have worked hard to tear the Muslims from the Arabic language and the Qur’an. During the French occupation of Algeria, the French government was advised,
“We will never be able to overpower the Algerians as long as they read the Qur’an and speak Arabic. Therefore we must remove the Arabic Qur’an from their midst and abolish the Arabic language from their tongues.”
And unfortunately this is exactly what the secular leader of Turkey, Kamal Ataturk, who abolished the Islamic caliphate, did. He ordered that the Qur’an be recited in Turkish, even in prayers and changed the Turkish language which used to be written in Arabic into a Latin alphabet.
Today you will find that although Arabs throughout the world unfortunately have different colloquial dialects, they are still taught the Classical Arabic in their schools and Classical Arabic is the standard written Arabic in every Arabic newspaper and book. So it has been preserved by Allah as He promised in the Qur’an:
“Indeed we have sent down the Reminder and surely we will preserve it.” (Surah Hijr, Aayah 9)
A Priority for all of us
Scholars throughout the ages, from the Companions to the present day, encouraged the Ummah to learn the Arabic language. Ubay ibn Ka’b (radiallaahu ‘anhu) said,
“Teach Arabic like you teach the memorisation of the Qur’an!”
Abu Bakr (radiallaahu ‘anhu) said,
“That I recite and forget (a portion of the Qur’an) is more beloved to me than to make a grammatical mistake!”
And ‘Umar (radiallaahu ‘anhu) once passed by a group of archers who missed their targets.
He admonished them and they responded that they were only beginners, but in answering back they made a grammatical mistake in their wording. He told them, “Indeed, your mistakes in Arabic grammar are more difficult to bear than your mistakes in archery!”
Imam ash-Shaafi’ee said,
"Therefore it is imperative that every Muslim should strive to learn Arabic as hard as he can, so that he can testify the shahada, and recite the Book of Allah and say the invocations that are mandatory upon him, such as the takbeer, tasbeeh, tashahud and other prayers. And the more he learns the language that Allah Himself chose to be the language of him who sealed the Prophets (sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam), and to be the language of His final revelation, the better it is for him!”
The great 8th century scholar Shaykul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullah) even went so far as to say that,
“The Arabic language is part of the Religion, and knowing it is an obligation.”
Unfortunately, we have become comfortable with simply relying on translations and spending all of our time and efforts in studying other things, (other languages even!) which may not even benefit us in the hereafter and have forgotten that the Qur’an is in a very approachable language and we all have the ability or rather the responsibility to study and understand it. If you knew that Allah (subhaanahu wa ta’aala) had a message for you, personally, then would you not want to understand it in its original form? Think about it…we have the last revelation to mankind, the only communication from our Lord and Master, which is preserved in its original form, and yet in a 70 odd year life we do not give it the attention, which it deserves. We should realise that Allah has honoured us with the Qur’an and chosen for us the noblest of languages. Attention to Arabic is attention to the Book of Allah so we should make learning it a priority.
I remember the feeling of tasting the sweetness of Allah’s words in my Salaah when I first embarked upon my Arabic studies. I just repeated the same aayah of the Qur’an again and again savouring the words and suddenly feeling a deep emotion that I’d never felt before though I had read the same aayah many times before studying Arabic, it was as though a light had been lit for me and I’d suddenly discovered a new part of a house that I’d been living in for years. One of the definite benefits of learning Arabic is that it aids Khushoo’ or consciousness in salaah and helps us to improve all of our worships. Taraweeh prayer in Ramadan becomes a new experience!
Practical steps towards learning Arabic
Alhamdulillah with all the teaching aids and easy access to information that we have, learning Arabic does not necessarily mean travelling on arduous journeys to distant lands as it once used to. With discipline and commitment, the student can study much in his own time
Here are some tips to help you along they way:
1. Make Du’a: As with everything we work towards, we should ask Allah to help us and make learning easy for us. We should ask Allah to purify our intentions so that we truly learn Arabic for the better understanding of the Qur’an and deen.
2. Discipline yourself! Put a set amount of time aside every day or twice a week for your Arabic studies and stick to it. Remember a little study regularly is better than hours of study once a month.
3. Know your basics well: going step by step is the best way to master any language, concentrating on improving your basic reading and writing is the first step in learning Arabic, even if it is repetitive. Then you can build on that firm foundation.
4. Invest in a good dictionary and Arabic books: A good dictionary is the Hans Wehr or Al-Mawrid dictionary, available in most Muslim bookshops and on the Internet too! Arabic words are usually arranged under their three letter roots. Get used to looking up words often and compile your own personal vocabulary dictionary. Some good three-book sets you can start working through are the three Madinah university books or the Kitaab-ul Asaasi books.
5. Enrol into a summer course: There are a few around every summer and they are a great way to kick-start your learning. They can be quite intensive so remember to revise and keep up your study afterwards.
6. Study Arabic as part of your full-time degree: If you are going to study a degree, why not study a degree in Arabic or one with Arabic as part of it?
7. Study under an Arab friend or tutor: The importance of a good teacher cannot be stressed enough. Although there is a lot of self-study involved, a friend who knows Arabic or an Arab brother or sister who you could go to regularly for guidance would be very valuable. You could even start going through your Arabic books with them.
8. Organise a class locally: There must be like-minded Muslims in your area who would like to study Arabic too. Maybe you could get together and pay for a teacher to teach you Arabic together at the local Masjid or in one of your homes. Studying with friends is a good way to stay motivated.
9. Study abroad in an Arab country: there are various good courses running in countries such as Egypt which really speed up your learning and can provide you with a nice experience. People have found that a few months in an Arab country can be more beneficial than a year or more of studying at home. Make sure you keep up your studying when you get back though!
10. Expose yourself to as much Arabic as you can: You can listen to Arabic lecture tapes, visit Muslim countries, read some Arabic everyday, and maybe get an Arab newspaper when you become more proficient.
11. Speak Arabic whenever you can: One of the biggest obstacles to speaking Arabic is being shy about making mistakes in speech and so not speaking at all. You must overcome this shyness and use whatever you know whenever you can. This is how you will eventually improve insha Allah. Maybe you could meet some Arab brothers or sisters who only speak Arabic. This way you’ll be forced to speak what you know and they’ll be pleased that you’re making the effort.
12. Relate your knowledge back to the Qur’an and other worships: Don’t forget that your aim is to understand what you recite of the Qur’an especially in your salaah and other adhkaar. Try to recognise Arabic words as you come across them in the Qur’an and apply your knowledge in understanding the Qur’an. Ponder over and pay attention to the words in your salaah.
May Allah help us all to master the language of the Qur’an and to aid its spread throughout the Ummah.